
Rigor Mortis and Finding Your Place

The wind blows hard, swaying the towering greens, and
awkwardly dancing the brown pine that’s in rigor mortis. Summer falls hot and
heavy. From behind air-conditioned windows, I contemplate projects, dropping
landscaping down to the bottom of the list. Paint trays stack in the laundry
room, awaiting creamy Canyon Cloud.
My daughter sits slack-jawed and glassy-eyed on the couch
near me, waiting for health to come. A summer cold and bouts with mono have
left several of us weak and slow-moving. Quiet seeps deep into our home, our bones, and
health returns with naps and time.
I have been quiet in groups the last few days — months,
really. Rediscovering my place and role in a shifting time, learning to trust
and invest anew. Thoughtful quiet and listening is good for me. I talk to my
Abba, and gently step. 
In the distance, traffic whirs subtly; cars pass in near
silence; and gauzy cotton fluffs sail past the window. The wind blows hard, silent
movement out the window. 
He who forms the
Creates the wind,
And reveals his
thoughts to man…”
The wind blows hard. My Abba whispers and I listen quiet,
feeling like the pine in rigor mortis, awkward and stiff.
Joining with Ann, I thank the Mountain-Former, Wind-Creator,
High-Place-Treader-of-the-Earth for: wind, sun, summer’s heavy heat, growing
health, and quiet wind-blown revealed thoughts.
The random winners of last post’s books are: Allison and
Denise. Please email me with your mailing addresses so I can send out these
books! Enjoy. 
What do you see out your window? What is God speaking quiet to you this week?

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  1. Wise Hearted on July 17, 2012 at 12:31 am

    I know that quiet listening place God can put us in…a time of being swift to hear and slow to speak. It comes usually for me in a change of pace or change of location. Through the years I have become thankful for those times…for I emerge with some gained wisdom that is needed for the next step of faith.

    Sorry you have been sick…but encouraging to hear you slowed down for it, shows wisdom…recovery will be quicker. Good reminder for all of us. Listen, He is speaking in the quietness. Blessings

  2. LOLITA on July 17, 2012 at 6:04 am

    Praise for Time in contemplation. Time when one needs to tread at a pace God directs.

    For summer heat and some ails carried with it, especially the adjusting periods, when coming out of fast pace moving in….. then stepping out slowly…. to new neighborhood, new service areas.

    Take your time and enjoy the quiet with;

    “He who forms the mountains,
    Creates the wind,
    And reveals his thoughts to man…”

    I simply love that quote.


  3. Jennifer Dougan on July 17, 2012 at 3:02 pm


    You said: "Listen, he is speaking in the quietness…" yes! Thank you, Betty.


  4. Jennifer Dougan on July 17, 2012 at 3:12 pm

    Good morning Lolita,

    Someone mentioned the Philippines this weekend, and I smiled and thought of you.

    "Time when one needs to tread at a pace God directs" — you said. Yes, I like that.


  5. Pam on July 17, 2012 at 3:56 pm

    I love this post. Quiet windblown thoughts. The wind of His Spirit. Lovely, Jen.

    Must be my eyes…but I'm having more and more trouble deciphering these robot codes… 🙂

  6. Pamela on July 17, 2012 at 4:31 pm

    I've been in that quiet, listening space. I've found them to be times of rest–although at the moment I'm sometimes eager to move on. God always speaks the clearest when I've learned the beauty of quiet.

  7. Jennifer Dougan on July 17, 2012 at 5:32 pm

    Hi Pam,

    Thank you.

    Yes, those robot codes are hard for me too I'll see if I can disable them.

    Have a great week.


  8. Jennifer Dougan on July 17, 2012 at 5:33 pm


    "The beauty of quiet…" I like that. Thanks.


  9. Brian Miller on July 17, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    even when we are stiff like that the gentle wind limbers us, it might hurt to stretch a bit again but it knows what it is doing…smiles….good to see you today….miss all my IP friends…smiles.

  10. Theresa Miller on July 18, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    This quiet is good. Blessings to you. May you hear His voice.

  11. Cheryl Barker on July 18, 2012 at 11:26 pm

    So sorry to hear that you guys have been sick. Hope you all regain full health soon. And hope you continue to hear just the words you need to hear from your Abba Father!

    p.s. I've noticed Jana (cabinart) commenting from time to time on your blog. FYI, I just put up a post featuring her and her work. Would love for you to come leave her a comment when you get a chance! 🙂

  12. AmyAlves on July 19, 2012 at 1:41 am

    Evenin' dear Jennifer, beautiful words of honesty as usual sister. Thank you. And thank you for stopping by to say "hi" to me yesterday… God is GREAT! He is moving me more and more into "women's ministry", praying with my coaching clients this week, and a dear friend today. BUSY! But PRAYER to our great God, and a willing heart proves to always hold higher rewards than more sleep or perfect planning! My husband is also beginning to pursue some pastoral role as well… and we're both falling more in love with our children each day! p.s. I'm off to She Speaks Friday morning! PRAYING for you right now and your family girl… ~ Blessings, Amy

  13. Jennifer Dougan on July 19, 2012 at 4:43 am

    "The gentle wind" amidst our stiffness… yes. Thanks, Brian.


  14. Jennifer Dougan on July 19, 2012 at 4:45 am

    Thanks, Theresa. Yes, quiet is good and leaves me refreshed and joyful.

    Thanks for joining me here today.


  15. Jennifer Dougan on July 19, 2012 at 4:48 am

    Cheryl, thanks for prayers for health.

    How exciting about Jana's feature! Yes, I'll check it out.


  16. Jennifer Dougan on July 19, 2012 at 4:53 am


    Women's ministry for you, and pastoral ministry for your husband will be a great adventure and treat. My man and I love working together in ministry too.

    Have a fabulous time at She Speaks! Blog all about it when you get back. 🙂


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