
Delicious Bugs and Not Wanting You to Miss Out on Something Else this Summer

We’re in a wooded part of her neighborhood, walking down tall oak tree-lined streets when I had laugh, spit, and cough out a bug.

“Sorry. Bug,” I say and then launch into, “Did you know… in Africa there was a bug we ate on purpose? It was delicious!”

“What?!” my friend stared.

Swinging arms and hips as we walked briskly in her neighborhood, I explained about bugga-bugs, a West African Liberian delicacy.

“In rainy season, the flying ants — about this long”– and I showed her my pinkynail, “would fly into the air. We’d set big bowls out in the yard with a little bit of water in the bottom. On top a brick or stone in the center of the bowl, we’d place a kerosene lantern. Attracted to the light, the flying termite ants would come to the bowl, fall into the water, and be trapped. Then grabbing handfuls of them, we’d dump the ant bodies into a frying pan on the stove top, stir for a bit, and they’d be done. The wings would fall off and we’d pop handfuls of them into our mouths. They’d be dead,” I reassured my friend.

“They tasted like bacon. So good, oh!” My mouth had watered then and I had looked out on the road in front of me, remembering and wishing for a bite.

“I’ve lost my source for them,” I quipped airily, nonetheless a true statement. With my parents no longer living in West Africa, I can no longer get fresh bugs from them.

“We brought them to youth group once years ago for the teens to try. Just the girls did,” I grinned.

Kristi laughed and shook her head, still reeling at the thought of eating bugs.

“I’ve only eaten that type of bug,” I assured her, “and they’re delicious. Oh, I wish I had some right now.”

Our talk drifted to other things, our steps crunching acorns and branches on the summery road.

And I feel similar emotions now as I think about two new Bible studies I’m starting up this fall. These Cover to Cover Bible study classes are so much fun! In a 16-week semester of weekly Bible studies, we read through the whole Old Testament, seeing how the history, archaeology, and culture add more understanding to the Bible, getting the full big picture of the Bible, and seeing how it all points to Jesus. My adult (and a few high school) students each year rave about the excitement of finally understanding what the Bible is all about, and seeing how all the books fit together and in history. I love so much about these Bible studies: the deep connections we grow over both semesters (New Testament is in the spring!), the safe space to ask questions and wonder, the many “Aha!” moments of my people, and their fresh new understanding of God’s big, patient, tender, chasing love he has for all of humanity. We use maps, timelines, handouts, archaeology notes, an engineering article, and even some articles from doctors show up a couple times.

Past Attendees Exclaim:

“This truly is the best Bible study I’ve ever taken. This was an amazing course. It was transformative, informative, and fun…”

“Life-changing. Great to get into God’s word with other people and wrestle with the word as well as grow in it.” 

“This course has been transforming! It was a fabulous class and very well-done. …Helped me grow deeper roots in my faith. I have recommended the class to several people. Loved the small group setting. Excellent instructor!” 

“It was a great motivation to read through the whole Old Testament. I gained a better understanding of the chronology of all the books and how they point to Jesus.”

“I enjoyed my class with wonderful and amazing people. Jen was fantastic!” 

And just like with bugga-bugs, I know you can’t know the full joy of it until you try it. So I sit here with wide warm eyes, just wanting you to know the joys of it. Both the bacony bugga-bugs and the joy of studying God’s word together in this amazing comprehensive Cover to Cover Bible study.

While we have maxed out my Monday night Blaine/Circle Pines class, there is still room in the Tuesday night New Hope class. Don’t miss out! Sign up now to have a fabulous, transformative year in God’s word. It is. so. much. fun. I can’t wait to start again. Monday classes start this Aug. 26th, and Tuesdays start Sept. 3rd at the Hometown Church in New Hope, MN (3351 Independence Ave N., New Hope, MN).

Sign up here now to save your spot, or contact me for more details.

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Jennifer speaks often at conferences, retreats, MOPS/MomsNext groups, churches, camps, home school co-ops and more. She loves getting to know people and making new friends.

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