“Fine, But Like a Spy!”
I begged him. I cajoled. I bargained. I threatened and forbid him. Finally I caved, “Fine, but like a spy!” Tiptoeing away, my husband braved the gauntlet. For the last four weeks, midnight fiascos have been occurring at our house. My family’s late night trips to the bathroom are waking up our three year old.…
Win a Free Coffee Card! Share Your Back to School Ideas…
Last night after a coffee date, my husband and I strolled through the Back to School corner at Target. Smooth-glide pens, unsharpened pencils, piles of notebooks or three ring binders, and boxes of untouched crayons excite me with their possibilities. School starts in 13 days. While we are savoring every last day of summer now,…
Add Sizzle to Your Love Life
Admit it. Your heart thumped. The first time he held your hand; the first time he leaned in close to kiss you — his lips brushing yours, his breath warm on your face. Pause now. Glance over. See him across the room? Forget the dirty dishes, the toddler toys on the floor, and just look…
This Weekend
What was your weekend like? What grabbed your heart, your eyes, your attention? Where did you see God’s beauty today? Post below, if you’d like.
Sun-splashed Trees: A Discipline of Thanks
Abba, I bask in the beauty of your creation, drinking in the fresh morning breeze through the window, the bobbing lemon and violet pansies in the windowbox, and tall sun-splashed leafy trees against an immaculate blue sky. Hot coffee beside me, happy family’s voices echo nearby, distant traffic noises float on the summer breeze, evoking…
Pansies, Justice, and Spilled Humanity
Hot fair trade coffee in my black and steel mug. Daniel’s discarded last orange slice beside me, in fragrance fresh. A cluster of cheerful lavender and tangerine pansies crowd a short goblet down the counter from me. I journal and read God’s word while my kids sleepily watch Ponyo in the adjoining room. Cheerful harmony…
Leadership Teams and Seeking God’s Leading
At work today as the church Body Life Coordinator, I have been brainstorming the small group line ups for this fall. My desire is to not simply create events for events’ sake in today’s overly-busy world, but to prayerfully choose what will best benefit my church body. My desire is for them to be connected…
Counting Gifts and Other Lessons from the She Speaks Conference 2011
The words dripped off her lips. Slowing her cadence, she naturally wove her story around us, drawing us in. “Open handed living is the only way to take the hand of God. Counting gifts changes my default of discontent to doxology. Never disdain the small; moments are what add up. A pen can be a…
Honest Struggles and God’s Tender Heart
I confess. Wednesday and Thursday were harder days for me. I was in the throes of a conflict and was trying to respond well to it. I was hurt, angry, and discouraged. Waking up early Thursday, I made some strong Turkish coffee and hunched over the kitchen table with my Bible, journal and Bible study…
Snowy Streaks
There she was! The garage door was open, her back car lights were red, and I couldn’t tell if she was coming or leaving. My elusive neighbor was a regal-looking Asian Indian Grandmother who was new to the area. She worked fulltime, and then spent several nights a week learning English from community classes. Despite…